Which Painting to Decorate a Teenager's Bedroom?

You have a teenager and you want his room to be a space in its own right, where he can spend time with his friends, relax, study, all while serving as a bedroom. This “ teenage bedroom painting ” section can help you to decorate your teen bedroom.

A teenager's bedroom is a lot of things at once, and it can be a big challenge to fit everything into one space without the room looking cluttered or messy. To complete our series of articles dealing with the theme of painting in the bedroom , we have put together some ideas and advice to help you choose a painting for the decoration of teenager's bedroom. Whether they prefer bright colors, modern design, prints, DIY or an easy vibe, look no further, we're going to guide you through some of the most important things to remember when decorating with artwork. art for teenagers' rooms.

Before you begin, you should ask your teen about their favorite way to decorate their room. Maybe he has very specific ideas about the type of art he wants in his room.

A painting by Revati Gangal for decorating a teenager's bedroom
Photo Art4You Gallery Revati Gangal

For a painting to decorate a teenager's bedroom, think modern and contemporary

The overall style of a teenager's bedroom should remain modern and contemporary, whether in terms of room design, colors or, more importantly, art!

Many teenagers are attracted to pop art or street art. Many street art artists also create works on canvas. Street art thus invites itself into interiors.


A teenager, whether a girl or a boy, will undoubtedly prefer their room to exude modernity and have a new look.

Colors are, as always, very important in a bedroom decoration, but they are also important in creating small corners and creating a mood or atmosphere in the room. Colors can be used in many ways and the most important thing is that your child likes the result.

Try to find a color scheme for the space.
In a room that must contain so many different qualities, it is very important that the color scheme is consistent in order to prevent the room from looking cluttered or messy. This doesn't mean the walls have to be white. You can easily opt for wallpaper or a bright color on one wall or even all the walls if that suits your teen's preferences.


The artwork you hang on a teenager's bedroom wall should be fun, fresh and inspiring. Perhaps your teenager prefers photography, posters, paintings or collages, in any case, you will be spoiled for choice. You can mix and match them according to your tastes and those of your teenager. The artwork should of course be consistent with the colors, but also with the style and design of the space. But, the most important thing is that your child likes them, and then you will be sure that they match perfectly.

Art and decoration should be a source of inspiration for your child. He will spend many hours working and relaxing in his room. That's why it's important that the artwork is light, but also interesting enough so that he doesn't get bored of it too easily.

When decorating a teenager's bedroom with artwork and other decor items, the biggest challenge is, as we said before, keeping the room clean and cohesive. You can choose to create small nooks in the room and make the artwork work together in this way. This divides the room in a way that you don't notice at first, but psychologically it makes different areas of the space more fluid.

  • What table for a teenager?
    If you know your teen's interests, this is a good way to start.
    If he likes architecture, opt for photos or paintings that depict different architectural styles. If he likes bikes or cycling this could be a wonderful opportunity to make sculptures or photographs etc.
    If you know he loves fashion, he might like commercial or fashion photography, such as drawings of models or clothing styles.

Think outside the box to create a pleasant environment in which he or she will enjoy spending time.

  • Decorating Ideas for Your Teen
    An inspirational wall filled with shelves, keepsakes, artwork, and decorations is a great way to start.
    Preferably in a reading corner or above their desk. This way they will have something inspiring to look at while doing homework or while working.

It is very important to provide good lighting for your teenagers' bedroom.
Both for work, reading and relaxation.
They will spend many hours a day in their room and the change in light can affect not only their mood but also their efficiency.

Just as art can help create a different space in the room, rugs or even a curtain to hide the bed during the day can also help. This is a great way to use the bedroom as a multifunctional space.


The most important points

Colors – Choose a color scheme and stick to it.

Colors are influential, but they shouldn't be too loud in a room that needs to function as so many different spaces.

Modern and contemporary

Keep everything modern and contemporary: colors, art, decor and design. A teenager's bedroom should be a bright, fun and inspiring place, and finally, modern!


Don't forget the importance of light. Not only to highlight artwork and decor, but also to increase the efficiency of your teens' work and play hours. Have dim light for the evenings and brighter light during the day. For example, fairy lights could be a perfect addition above the bed as a cozy light to turn on while watching movies, or just to add that warm feeling in winter.