art and depression

Art therapy has shed light on the relationships between art and mental health. This is particularly the case for painting therapy which is one of the major axes of this discipline.

For many, an artist is by definition a depressed artist. He draws his inspiration from his depression. This image is still vivid in many minds, but it is largely false. This “art depression” section attempts to shed light on this subject.

I've been feeling nervous lately. I can't sleep and I feel like I'm missing out on my life. I need to step back and take time to think.

Many of us ask ourselves or have asked ourselves these kinds of questions when going through an episode of depression. However, they are not necessarily depressed. Depression is not a mood swing. It is a psychological and physiological disorder that is not linked to willpower as previously thought. It is a mental health disorder that causes extreme sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in life in general. Treatment is necessary for healing. Art therefore has its place in these alternative disciplines. Art and depression often move forward together.

Artists have been drawing on personal experiences to create art for as long as art has existed. For example, Vincent Van Gogh frequently used the colors yellow and green to symbolize hope in his paintings. He expressed an inner struggle in his own way.

Disciplines such as sophrology and art therapy which includes painting therapy and other specialties such as sculpture therapy can help people with mild depression. These methods are much preferable to injunctions like: don't let yourself go, you have to move now, a little willpower, let's see! In mild cases, they are able to advantageously replace antidepressants. It should be noted that these practices, for more proven cases, do not replace antidepressant medication treatments or psychotherapy treatment. They can only support people who are experiencing episodes of depression.

Depression, an evil of the century

In May 2020, 13.5% of people aged 15 or over living in France reported symptoms and episodes in their life suggestive of a depressive state, a proportion up 2.5 points compared to 2019. (DREES, Studies & Results, 1186) ,

Depression can impact health and many areas of a person's life, including work, relationships, and school performance. These disorders which affect the loss of meaning in one's life, changing moods, the feeling of uselessness are not trivial. A small treatment taken quickly after the problems are noticed quickly corrects the depressive state. The risk of developing chronic depression recedes.

The term was popularized by American psychoanalyst Silvia Roth who coined the expression in her article "Nervous Depression" in 1958. She based her theory of the term on the work of Austrian psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing and German neurologist Kurt Goldstein .

Depression, a disease of the century, has become chronic in developed countries. It affects more than 300 million people worldwide.

The factors causing the disease are poorly understood. Symptoms may vary from person to person. They typically manifest as low mood, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and thoughts of death or suicide. It is therefore a public health problem which is taken very seriously in Western countries.

Long considered a disorder linked to a lack of willpower, recent discoveries in this area have highlighted physiological problems. How many doctors and relatives of patients have made depressed people feel guilty. New, fairly effective drugs have appeared. However, chemistry cannot do everything and psychotherapy remains essential for healing.

There are several stages of the disease. Sometimes simple alternative methods greatly reduce symptoms. Art seen in all its domains is a powerful vector of pleasure. As such, it is commonly used in gentle therapy.

How artistic practice improves a depressive state

Depression can be difficult to understand, let alone treat. It is a mental disorder that affects the way people think, feel, and act. Depression is capable of affecting people of any age, race, religion or income level. The risk is not negligible.

Did you know that practicing an artistic activity can help combat the risk of depression? Some people find it an improvement. It's a good way to express your thoughts and feelings, and to forget your problems for a bit.

There are many ways to manage the symptoms of depression, particularly through the visual arts, including drawing, painting, or sculpture. It's art therapy.

If you are diagnosed as truly depressed, do not embark on this adventure alone. Get advice from a therapist who can control the effects produced on your mind.

For mild disorders, practicing art in therapy could be useful to you. There are qualified art therapists who work within institutions, but artists who have completed a training course in art therapy could also be of great help to you.

An assumed artistic creation

Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. Artists are not exempt. Studies carried out in various countries have highlighted a link between depression and artistic talent. This condition is one of the different mental disorders which paradoxically contribute to inspiration in art.

Artists who identify as depressed in their creation are rather rare. Because experiencing depression is an ordeal that affects one's life course, it is difficult to take the step of accepting it.

Some artists struggle with depression, while others use it as fuel for the spirit.

Painters suffering from major depression rarely demonstrate more creativity than artists who do not suffer from any mental disorder. But there are exceptions: Francis Bacon , Rita Ackerman , and other artists have expressed this unease with genius.

Matilda Kahl *, created an installation called “Depressive States”. Depressive States. Spectators could see the expression of his depression live. Matilda Kahl says… “ Too many people on social media are showing off and showing off as perfect and happy with their lives, and I was frustrated that I wasn't able to consciously show my flaws . »

Artists have always been whistleblowers and agitators. They dare to go against fashion and general opinions. This could be a definition of the artist.

We hope this article will give you the idea of ​​practicing an artistic activity for better mental health! However, know that art cannot work miracles alone.

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